
If a 14-year-old boy
is seduced by an older woman...

it's a coming-of-age comedy.
Frankly, it's a fantasy to think men and
women as so different in such things.

Deep down we're very much alike...
for better, for worse.
I'd like to put something
on the table.

We've been looking at this group
of women as the victim pool.

What if one of them's the killer?
She'd have access
to the other women...

they'd be willing to meet her...
and they'd trust her.
You're saying we're
looking for a woman?

Catherine, look.
No matter what one thinks
of the FBI profiles...

not one of the personalities
they sketched out...

as a serial killer
was a female.

Yeah, I know.
Profiles prepared by...

male FBI analysts
of male sexual killers.

- I read them all.
- So have I.

The FBI profile shows
a killer who hunts his prey...

kills at random in varying environments
and they're all male.

Historically, female serial killers
kill either at home or in one location.

- That's not what we got here.
- We have three different locations.

I know how many different
locations we have.

Look, you're saying that
the killer has to be a man.

Why? Because the FBI says
it can't be a woman?

- I'm just saying "Why not?"
- I'm sorry. Did I miss something here?

- I thought we had a suspect.
- Who? Gil Reynolds?

Gil Reynolds is a sick little fuck,
okay? That's it.

Somehow I don't picture him the type
to wash his victims...

comb their fucking hair
and put makeup on their faces!
