
male FBI analysts
of male sexual killers.

- I read them all.
- So have I.

The FBI profile shows
a killer who hunts his prey...

kills at random in varying environments
and they're all male.

Historically, female serial killers
kill either at home or in one location.

- That's not what we got here.
- We have three different locations.

I know how many different
locations we have.

Look, you're saying that
the killer has to be a man.

Why? Because the FBI says
it can't be a woman?

- I'm just saying "Why not?"
- I'm sorry. Did I miss something here?

- I thought we had a suspect.
- Who? Gil Reynolds?

Gil Reynolds is a sick little fuck,
okay? That's it.

Somehow I don't picture him the type
to wash his victims...

comb their fucking hair
and put makeup on their faces!
