Miss Congeniality

The hearing is totally warranted.
Wouldn't I be better
on the Citizen case?

I have a background
in profiling and decoding.

I could contribute.
Like you contributed last night?
By putting yourself
and 5 agents in jeopardy?

I'll save the rest
for the review board.

You will bury yourself
under a mountain of paperwork.

Discussion is over.
Mike, give me a pint.
Rough day?
The worst.
Sure you want a whole one?
Yeah. Hit me bigtime, baby.
Hey, Einstein. If you figure out
that Citizen letter, let me know.

Congratulations on the op.
It's a big shot.

How are you doing? You okay?
I'm good.
You're starting early today.
Yeah, I'm gonna get chip-faced.
Want to join me?

I'd love to, but I have
a pressing social engagement.

Brownie meeting.
Mike, give me a beer and....
Milk. Give her milk.
White wine spritzer.
Are most of the people in here agents?
As a matter of fact, here's
an agent. Gracie Hart.

Beth Carter.
Right back to you.
Beth is an undergrad at Vassar,
doing a paper on law enforcement.

I'm helping her get an inside look.
I bet she'll do the same for you.
Gracie, I would love to get
a woman's point of view.

You're barking up the wrong tree.
Right, Hart?

Do all the women have to wear
those really masculine shoes?
