Mua he chieu thang dung

It can only be this Toán.
I say that because
according to this theoy...

it's a case ofpuppy love.
At the end,
when Mom wasn't all there...

and mistook Dad forToán,
she was reliving her childhood.

That's why she spoke to him
like a shy little girl.

She told him that
she loved him so innocently...

that it brought tears
to Dad's eyes.

Like I said, this is only a theoy.
And I tell you
that Kiên's research...

will confirm what I believe.
It can't be otherwise.
It's obvious.

Me too.
I believe this version
ofthe stoy.

Our mother could never
have loved...

any man but Daddy.
I know in my heart
that she was faithful.

I'm sure ofit.
Dad and Mom were always together.
Theywere inseparable.
The proofis that
a month after Mom died...

he followed her.
There's something perfect
about their relationship.

And rememberwhat we've said
a thousand times.

Mom was one month older than Dad.
He died one month after her...
which means that they lived...
almost the same lifetime...
give or take an hour,
by our reckoning.

Poor Daddy.
I wonder how much he suffered.
