O Brother, Where Art Thou%3F

(Horn honking)
Scatter, boys!
(Man) God damn it!
Get in, boys!
I'm gonna R-U-N-N-O-F-T!
Come on, boys, come on! Come on!
What are you doing here? You ought
to be in bed, clump snatcher.

You ain't the boss of me!
You candy-butted,
car-thievin' sos-and-sos!

I curse your name!
Go back home and mind your pa!
(Pig squeals)
What's the damn problem?
I can get the part from Bristol
in two weeks. Your pomade.

Two weeks?
That don't do me no good.

Nearest Ford auto man's Bristol.
Hold on. I don't want this pomade,
I want Dapper Dan.

I don't carry Dapper Dan.
I carry Fop.

I don't want Fop, god damn it!
I'm a Dapper Dan man!

Watch your language,
this is a public market.

Now, if you want Dapper Dan,
I can have it in a coupla weeks.

Ain't this a geographical oddity!
Two weeks from everywhere.

Forget it.
Just a dozen hair nets.
Well, didn't look
like a one-horse town,

but try finding
a decent hair jelly.

- (Delmar) Gopher, Everett?
- No transmission belt for two weeks.

Huh? They dam that river on the 21st.
- Today is the 17th.
- Don't I know it.

We got but four days
to get to that treasure.

After that, it'll be
at the bottom of a lake.

We won't make it walkin'.
- (Everett) Right...
- Gopher?

But the old tactician's got a plan.
For the transportation,
not keeping my coiffure in order.
