O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Believe me, Delmar, he would
have wanted us to press on.

Pete, rest his soul,
was one sourass son of a bitch

and not given to pointless

It don't seem right getting
the treasure without him.

Maybe it's for the best
he was squished.

Why, he...was barely
a sentient being and...

when we clean up and
get a little smellum in our hair,

we're gonna feel
100% better about ourselves

and about...life in general.
(Convicts singing)
Must be near Parchment Farm.
Sorry sons of bitches.
Seems like a year ago
we busted off the farm.

(Convicts singing)
Pete got a brother?
Not that I'm aware.
Heat must be getting to me.
(Horse neighs)
# Oh, the storm and its fury
raged today

# Crushing hope
that we cherished so dear

# The cloud and storm
will in time pass away

# And the sun again
will shine bright and clear

# Keep on the sunny side
# Always on the sunny side
# Keep on the sunny side of life
# It will help us every day
# It will brighten all the way
# If we'll keep on
the sunny side of life

# If we'll keep on
the sunny side of life #

That was wonderful.
That sure was. Yes.

Now, I know The Sunnysiders
would agree with me

when I say that the great state
of Mississippi

cannot afford four more years
of Pappy O'Daniel!
