
Good. Very good.
Dr. Royer-Collard,
welcome to Charenton.

This may feel
a little awkward, my friend,

but it needn't be.
I've come merely
to oversee your work here.
Understood ?

- Of course.
- It's a formality. Truly.

Well, you're a man of science,
and I'm a man of God.

Charenton stands to profit
from us both, I'm certain.

I shall need an office on the grounds,
somewhere to store my things.

- This way.
- If you don't mind my asking,

why has the emperor taken
such sudden interest in my-

in our affairs ?
It seems a particular
patient of yours...
has captured his fancy.

I understand
he practices the very crimes
he preaches in his fiction.

Certainly not here.
- There were a few
indiscretions in his youth.
- "Indiscretions" ?

Abbe, please,
I have read his case history.

At 16, he violated
a servant girl with a crucifix.

After six months in a dungeon,
he mutilated a prostitute,

carving her flesh with a razor
and cauterizing the wounds
with hot wax.

I hope you'll judge him
by his progress here,

- No !
- not his past reputation.

I can't go on like this.
Why should this be happening to me ?

Once again, gentlemen.
I'm just a lowly cobbler.
I have been all my life.
And with this shoe,
I'm asking you to be a cobbler's wife.
