Rat uzivo

Come on, Bosa. Guys.
I'll be doing the killing, jerk!
Yesterday Belgrade came
under heavy bombardment.

Our beloved country
was attacked without mercy.

Nineteen countries
began an all-out war...

...against our oppressed nation.
- That's a lot!

I believe the time has come...
...to rise up and defend
our homeland.

For you, Comrade Tito.
- Tatula!

As you know we recently began
filming our latest film...

The people here before you now
were at work yesterday...

...when the enemy dropped
its first bomb on our brave land.

They stayed at work,
filming in the face of the enemy.

I don't normally do this
but I would ask for...

...a warm round of applause
for these brave souls.

Bravo! Thank you.
Thank you, heroes!

But whilst bombs fall,
with us here, there's an American...

...brave enough to say
a historical 'NO'...

to his President, his country,
and their evil.

Plus, he decided to invest
his hard-earned money...

from who knows what...
maybe the oil platforms...

in our film.
Our Serbian film!

The wartime love story
of an American and a Serbian girl.

What's more,
the American will star in it.

Ladies and gentlemen...
