Requiem for a Dream

I thought I'd catch
a little sun today.

Well, in a box you'll catch it.

Just relax and think how gorgeous
you'll look with your new red hair.

Today the hair, tomorrow the sun.
Anybody wanna waste some time?
Angel says do it now.
I'll call Brody.

He gets unbelievable shit.

look, we got this idea.
'What is it?

Get a piece of stuff,
cut it up and double our money.

Then get a pound
of pure and retire.

You know what that means.
We get off hard knocks
and on easy street.

What's the catch?
That's a red. I mean, that's a red.
It's not a red red,
but that's a red. It's a red.

- Red?
- Yeah. It's a red.

- You're telling me that's red?
- Yeah.

Then what's orange?
If this is a red,
I want to know - what's orange?

Well, it could be...
that it's a little orange too.
You know something?
I always thought you were the most
beautiful girl I ever seen.

