Requiem for a Dream

Then get a pound
of pure and retire.

You know what that means.
We get off hard knocks
and on easy street.

What's the catch?
That's a red. I mean, that's a red.
It's not a red red,
but that's a red. It's a red.

- Red?
- Yeah. It's a red.

- You're telling me that's red?
- Yeah.

Then what's orange?
If this is a red,
I want to know - what's orange?

Well, it could be...
that it's a little orange too.
You know something?
I always thought you were the most
beautiful girl I ever seen.

Ever since I first saw you.
That's nice, Harry.
That makes me feel really good.
Other people
have told me that before,

and it was meaningless.
Why? Because you thought
they were pulling your leg?

No, no, not like that. I mean...
I don't know. I don't know
or even care if they were.

Just from them it was...
just meaningless, you know?
When you say it, I hear it.
I really hear it.
