Seunlau ngaklau

I can't help you.
- What are you doing?
- Looking for drugs.

Why shouldn't I suspect you?
Maybe you're the drug dealer!
That's bullshit.
Did we have sex last night?

I'd like to know myself!
You fall out with your partner
and I take the rap.

Let's see who calls who first.
What's the big deal anyway?
I can take you to a doctor.
I know a gynecologist. Why flip out?
If neither of us can remember,
then let's not try.

Everyone falls in a black hole
some time or other.

Yesterday was a black hole.
Crazy bitch.
Did you do it or not?
You should be so lucky.
We did, we didn't.
We did, we didn't.
" Little brother" fell
into a black hole last night.

Heard you quit your job.
Hey, watch out for the baby!
You're not the father!
He works in the 57th division...

...of the Eastern Police Station.
Narcotics Inspector Y.K. Mak.

I know. She informed me herself.
You stole my chick, damn you!
What are you doing?
- You knocked her up, you bastard!
- You're sick!

You made my girl pregnant,
you want to be responsible?

- Irresponsible bastard!
- What do you want?

Get over here! Don't run away!
Crazy bitch!
After leaving the supermarket,
I made a decision.
