Shadow of the Vampire

to absorb the flavour
of the place, I suppose.

Herr Doctor
also told me...

that when we get there
and start filming,

Max Schreck
will only appear to us
in full makeup and costume,

as the vampire.
we will only film him...

at night.
And why wasn't
I told about it ?
I'm the producer.

Well, he told me.
[ Clamoring ]
Tell me
you're not too pretty
to work for me.

Yes, sir.
I love the cinema.

Friedrich, I just
realized this morning,

our financiers, they don't know
what picture you are making.

The crew don't know
what picture you're making.

The cast don't know
what picture you're making.

And now, I don't know
what picture you're making.
Are you happy ?

I know.
Tell them nothing.

There he is.

Gentlemen, I'm Albin Grau,
producer and art director
oft his picture.

Is it true Murnau is filming
Stoker's Dracula ?

Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau
is Germany's greatest fiilmmaker,

in a class with such masters
as Refice and Eisenstein.

At present,
he is supervising
every detail...

of this unique
on-location expedition.

The major part--
who's going to play ?
Thank you, gentlemen.

Will you be filming
in Germany ?
Thank you, gentlemen.

[ Hissing, Whistle Blows ]
[ Clamoring ]
