
Let's go home
When I was little, my mother
cursed my father

to drive him away
Mother's curse came to pass
and my father left
I tried hard
to keep her from
driving me away

But she told me
Even though she
never told my sister

It was my birthday
A red umbrella and red shoes
My mother bought them for me
when we went shopping together

The first things that weren't
my sisters hand-me-downs

They matched my mother's
But my mother
threw them away

She called them old
She didn t need them

When I saw that,
I thought,
she II do that to me one day

I'm scared of being alone
But I'm scared of mother, too
So I cursed everyone
to drive them away

The curse will come to pass
on my birthday

So my birthday always
has to be tomorrow

But mother didn't go away
So I had to kill her
in my head, over and over

But suddenly,
