The Art of War

-Weird same.

Phone records you asked for.
There's definitely a pattern
showing up.

You mean other than
half-a-dozen dead bodies?

Yeah, look.
Phone numbers in sequence.
555-3901 . . .

. . .555-3902, 555--
What you've got to do is,
go all the way up to 99. . .

. . .isolate the possibles. . .
. . .stake out all the locations, wait
for our guy to show. Bob's your uncle.

That's a good plan, but who's Bob?
He's your uncle.
This better be an emergency.
Hello? Who is this?
We're unable to complete your call
as dialed.

Please check it and dial again.
Protests like this at the
US embassy in Beijing...

...cause many to believe
the UN trade agreement...

... will dissolve before it starts.
All eyes are on
Secretary General Thomas...

... to find a solution to the strained
relations between the countries.

You have a monumental crisis emerging,
Mr. Secretary General.

I'm convinced there's only one man
in the whole world. . .

. . .who can compel those fellas in
Beijing to stick with their agreement.
