The Boondock Saints

This mix-and-match shit
has gotta go.

- What?
A penny saved is worth
two in the bush, isn't it?

And don't cross the road
if you can't get out ofthe kitchen.

What's this, then?
I am Ivan Checkov,
and you will be closing now.

Well, this here's McCoy.
We find a Spock,
we've got us an away team.

Me in no mood for discussion.
You, you stay.

The rest of you,
go now.

Why don't you make like a tree
and get the fuck out ofhere!

You know he's got
till the week's end, right?

You don't have to be
hard-asses, doya?

- It's St. Patty's Day.
Everyone's Irish tonight.
- Mmm.

Why don't you just
pull up a stool
and have a drink with us?

- This is no game! If you won't go,
we will make you go.
So these two guys are kickin'
the shit out ofeach other, right?

This guy picks up
an old kitchen sink or something...

and fuckin' crushes
this guy with it.

It makes a big bang.
