The Family Man

You mean 'cause you thought
I was cocky, I'm now on
a permanent acid trip ?

Bag yourself, Jack.
[ Screaming ]
Oh, my God! Ah !
The way you intervened
in that store last night, you
did a good thing there, Jack.

I mean, it was
incredibly impressive all
the way across the board...

Oh, God !
to the upper echelons
of the organization.

Please just tell me
what's happening to me
in plain English...

without the mumbo-jumbo.
This is a glimpse, Jack.
A glimpse ?

I--A glimpse of what ?
You're gonna have to
figure that out for yourself
and you got plenty of time.

- How much time ?
- As much time as it takes,

which in your case is probably
gonna be considerable.

Okay, look, look. I-I-I
just want my life back, okay ?

Now, what's it gonna take ?
You wanna talk turkey ?

Let's talk turkey.
How much money ?

- It doesn't work like that,
and I can't tell you why.
- Why not ?

Because you have to figure
this thing out for yourself.

Are you listening to me ?
Figure it out, figure it out.
Figure out what ?

- Let it come to you, man.
- I don't have time for this
right now.

- I'm in the middle of a deal.
- Well, you're working on
a new deal now, baby.

What's this ?
Open it.

What is it,
some kind of a signal ?

[ Bell Dings ]
Will you come
whenever I ring it ?

Now you gotta
get out of the car, Jack.

But what do I do ?
I'm sorry. I can't spend
any more time with you.

I got some other business
I gotta take care of.
No, y-y-you did this to me.

You can't just
leave me like this.

Okay. Look, you wanna
get some air ? Let's get
outside, get some air.

We'll walk and I'll explain
everything to you, okay ?

- Thanks, man.
- Sure.
