The Family Man

Okay, we're almost
out of here.

Mary Janes, Mommy.
You promised.

That's right.
I did promise.
Okay. All right.

We're gonna stop
at the kids' shoe
department first,

and then I gotta
pick up my watch
from the battery store.

Then I'm gonna go
to the linen store.

Why don't we go
to all the stores ?

Every single store
in this god forsaken
shopping mall.

Wouldn't that
be exciting ?

You know what ?
Why don't I take the kids,

and you just stay here
and hang out
in the men's department ?

Come on, hon.
It's perfect
for your frame.

Why don't you try it on ?
I might want to take
an inch out of the back.

Lengthen the sleeve.
You look amazing
in that suit.

I mean, really--
wow !

Off the charts, great.
It's an unbelievable thing.
Wearing this suit
actually makes me feel
like a better person.
