The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea

Scared? Who said anything
about bein' scared?

Don't you know an evasive manoeuvre
when you see one?

Hi. I'm Melody.
This here's Tip,
and I'm Dash.

Excuse me, Mr I Spill My Guts
To Total Strangers.

- You just blew our cover!
- I was just trying to be friendly.

Uh, guys, I really
need to get going...

so if you could
just tell me...

See? Now she's gonna leave,
and it's all your fault.

- My fault? She's-She's-She's...
- Guys?

She's probably
allergic to blubber.

Oh, yeah?
Well, maybe she doesn't like
birds that can't fly!

- Guys.
- Well, you can't fly either.

And you walk funny.
- Guys!
- Oh, yeah? Well...

- You can't fly either!
- Guys!

Do either of you know how to get
to Atlantica? I don't have much time.

Why do you want
to go to Atlantica?

I have to get something
that was stolen from a friend.

If I don't,
I'll turn back into...

A what?
Turn back into a what?

A human.
I knew there was something
un-fishy about you.

Tough break, sister.
Drop us a line.

Let us know how
it all turns out.

- We'll take you.
- You will?

- We will?
- She's a damsel in distress.

It's our big chance.
Hoo-boy. I can't believe I'm doin' this.
Somebody stop me.

All right, then, we're in.
On to Atlantica!

Taming the tides
Swarming the seas
Beware, barracudas
Drop to your knees

Defending our friends
and anemones

- As big as a whale
- Hey!

With a much smaller tail
Facing the foe
with our fearless flukes

Daring the dastards
to put up their dukes
