The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea

You knew how much
I loved the sea.

Why did you
keep the truth from me?

Melody, listen to me.
If there was one thing in my life
that I could do over, l...

- Too late, Mom.
- Melody, no!

All the power of the seven seas
at my command!

Can we get with the programme?

It's still
a small world down here!

Your mommy was only trying
to protect you from moi!

What she did,
she did out of...

Little Melody's been
a very naughty girl...

stealing from
her own grandfather.

My... My grandfather?
King Triton,
ruler of Atlantica...

commander in chief
of all of the oceans!

Or at least he was, until
a certain little thief came along.

- You tricked me.
- You've got no one to blame
but yourself.

Tell me, Melody.
Is being a mermaid
everything you dreamed?

Was it worth it?
Oh, and by the way...
your time as a mermaid
has just about expired.

Catch you later.
I've got bigger fish to fry!

Bigger fish!
Now, there's an idea!

We gotta keep trying.
It's no use.
It's too thick.

Oh, Flounder.
I've ruined everything.
