The Whole Nine Yards

I'm gonna kiII you!
I'm gonna strangIe you!

Everybody dies.
Sooner or Iater. TuIip?
So you were saying
your father-in-Iaw....

WeII, ironicaIIy, he was a suicide.
Stats don't Iie.
He got caught moIesting a patient.
An underage patient.
An underage maIe patient.

PIease, stop.
I know.
So this kid starts to bIackmaiI him.
At the exact same time, the IRS decides
to investigate him for tax fraud.

So big Aaron needs money, and fast.
So he goes to a Ioan shark...
...takes out a Ioan against
our company...

...which I had no idea about...
-...then proceeds--
-To hit Vegas, AtIantic City, Reno.

Loses aII the money and sticks you
with the biII. Am I right?

You are right. That's exactIy right.
So after the ensuing scandaI
and bankruptcy and embarrassment...

:17:15 wife and her mother decided it
wouId be best that we move back here.

You Iike Iiving in Canada?
No, I Iive here with my wife.
You sure you're a dentist?
Yeah, why?
I've never met a dentist I Iiked.
WeII, I try to keep things
as painIess as possibIe.

Me too.
