The Whole Nine Yards

Loses aII the money and sticks you
with the biII. Am I right?

You are right. That's exactIy right.
So after the ensuing scandaI
and bankruptcy and embarrassment...

:17:15 wife and her mother decided it
wouId be best that we move back here.

You Iike Iiving in Canada?
No, I Iive here with my wife.
You sure you're a dentist?
Yeah, why?
I've never met a dentist I Iiked.
WeII, I try to keep things
as painIess as possibIe.

Me too.
It's been good.
I'm gIad we got to know each other.

You know what? Me too.
-You can go now.

Yes, dear?
Thank God you're home.
Thank God I'm home?
I had an idea. I figured out a way
we can pay off Daddy's debt.

You're getting a job.
Our new neighbor.
There's a price on his head?

Your pIan is you'II
murder our neighbor?

Here's what you're going to do.
You're going to Chicago...

:18:48're going to find out who's
offering this price on his head--

Jimmy Tudeski's head?
Then you'II teII them
you know where he is...

...after you negotiate
a finder's fee.
