Thirteen Days

But why couldn't they stop it?
What could they have done?
Here we are 50 years later
Say one of their ships
resists the inspection

and we shoot out its rudder
and board
They shoot down
one of our planes in response

So we bomb their anti-aircraft sites
in response to that

They attack Berlin
So we invade Cuba
And they fire their missiles
Helen, I want you
to keep the kids close tomorrow

I want you to leave the TV on
I want you to sleep with it on
in the bedroom

until I call you
and tell you can turn it off

What's happened?
you don't already know about
Just have the car ready to go
in case I call

or a Civil Defense Warning comes on
What happens to you?
I'm not leaving without you
I'll be evacuated with the President
And while you're under a rock
somewhere with the President

what am I supposed to do
with our five children, Kenny?

We're not gonna let it come to that
I promise
Jack and Bobby
they're smart guys
You're smart, too
Not like them
