Thirteen Days

What's happened?
you don't already know about
Just have the car ready to go
in case I call

or a Civil Defense Warning comes on
What happens to you?
I'm not leaving without you
I'll be evacuated with the President
And while you're under a rock
somewhere with the President

what am I supposed to do
with our five children, Kenny?

We're not gonna let it come to that
I promise
Jack and Bobby
they're smart guys
You're smart, too
Not like them
Hi, Ken
Helen just asked me what arrangements
we have for the families

I just checked that myself
They're being issued identity cards
And if the call comes
evacuation officers meet them
at pre-arranged departure areas

They go by helicopter to Mount Weather
We meet them there
Course that's for morale
Missiles only take five minutes
to get here

The President
has asked Jackie and the children

to come back from the country
to be with him

You know those pictures upstairs...
of Lincoln?
He looked so old near the end
