Thirteen Days

That's it
That's the one we're looking for
I nee dot see the president, Kenny
2:30 to 2:45
or 4:30 to 5:00. Take your pick
I need to see him now, Ken
Then go on up
I'll let him know you're coming

That's not what you said
That's not what...
Listen to me
you worthless piece of shit

You will put Daly's man on the circuit
and you'll do it today
You owe your gaddamn job
to this administration

Are you saying I'm not grateful?
Yeah, I can hear how grateful you are
There's a word you need to learn
It's the only word in politics
It's called loyalty
Now, is there any part of this
you don't understand?

This isn't the blessed order
of St. Mary the Meek

You better come in here
What was it you were saying to me
the other day about Cuba?

That it wasn't important
Not as far as the election goes
Can I see that for a second, please?
Here, Kenny. You used to
look down a bombsight for a living

Just ignore the labels
What does that look like to you?

I don't know
What is it?
Our U-2's took these pictures of Soviet
medium- range ballistic missiles in Cuba

They appear to be the SS-4
range of a thousand miles

three megaton nuclear warheads
Seen here in this year's
May Day Parade in Red Square

Jesus Christ in heaven
