Thirteen Days

This isn't the blessed order
of St. Mary the Meek

You better come in here
What was it you were saying to me
the other day about Cuba?

That it wasn't important
Not as far as the election goes
Can I see that for a second, please?
Here, Kenny. You used to
look down a bombsight for a living

Just ignore the labels
What does that look like to you?

I don't know
What is it?
Our U-2's took these pictures of Soviet
medium- range ballistic missiles in Cuba

They appear to be the SS-4
range of a thousand miles

three megaton nuclear warheads
Seen here in this year's
May Day Parade in Red Square

Jesus Christ in heaven
White House operator
Mr. O'Donnell, please
for Secretary McNamara

White House operator
What the crap is going on today?
That's right
The principals
are assembling in an hour

See you then
Where's Bobby?
He should be here any minute
Oh, good
Where the hell are you?
We're in here
Jesus Christ, guys
What the hell is Kruschev thinking?
Did you have any indication of this
from your KGB pal, Bolshakov?

Any possible warning
or sense of motivation?

Complete snowjob
Then we went out and told the country
they weren't putting missiles into Cuba

I feel like we caught the Jap
carrier steaming for Pearl Harbor
