
I ain't a boy, goddamn it!
Telling me how he's
a big fancy war hero!

And my wife, that little--
My wife.
She's pretty.
Prettiest girl in Lake Charles High.
Prettiest girl
in the state of Louisiana.

She was mad at me because
I was working all the time.

Giving her the money. . .
. . .for junior college.
I knowed then, like. . .
. . .Iike I knowed later on. . .
. . .she was seeing a fucking
college boy on the side!

Goddamn it! My daddy said it.
He said, "See? See what a dumb-ass
bastard you are?

Blinded by the beaver store, boy.
You ought to have a little ring
in your nose. "

So you thought you'd join the Army
and kill yourself like a real man.

Bozz, I know you can get people out.
Even in this wild-ass nonsense,
some rules fly by.

Please, Bozz. Please get me
out of here. Please?

Well, look here.
That captain sure didn't want
to let me go at first.

But I did like you said.
Told him the Army wants me
to see a psychiatrist.

-And that was it, huh?
-I wanted to thank you personally.
