What Planet Are You From?

Across the Sea of Vell,
at a fixed position of 1 3-6-90...

...on the subset grid 4-1 0.
It is a solid, rigid mass...
...with a dense core
of magnetic, metallic liquid.

The atmosphere is composed
of nitrogen, oxygen and argon...

...in amounts of 78, 21
and 1 percent by volume.

This is our target.
This is Earth.
This is where one of you
will serve your planet...

...to the act of procreation.
Your training will be extensive.
The Earth woman's reproductive organs
are located here.

The access point is here.
Insertion in any other access point
will not result in pregnancy.

To get the woman in a receptive mood
for insertion...

... compliment her on these areas.
She will also enjoy being told...
... that she smells nice
and that her footwear is stylish.

You will spend many hours in study...
...trying to learn all you can
about the females of this planet.

It is important to a woman that she
feels you are listening when she speaks.

This is most easily achieved...
...by repeating the phrase, "uh-huh, "
when the woman is communicating.

I went to the store this morning.
On the way, the car started making
a funny noise, so I pulled over.

Then I couldn't hear it,
so I started driving again.

Then it was fine.
You will familiarize yourself with
her predilections, her customs...

...her ranges of temperament.
Her smiles, her frowns.
Her ups and her downs.
