What Planet Are You From?

...until you sell something,
which is like, "Oh, great."

So what is your mission?
-I'm sorry?
-Your mission in life.

My mission is to
get to know myself...

...so that I can end up focusing less
on myself and more on others. I think.

I believe I was put here on Earth
to have a child.

I've never heard a man say that.
I would love to have kids.
I just hope I'm ready.

We transfer our dysfunction
onto our kids.

I don't want to be guilty of that.
I've already fucked up my dog.

I want to have a child.
That's all I want.

What's that noise?
Cheap sound system.
I don't trust you.
All men are the same.
They say whatever they have to,
to get into your pants.

That's terrible.
But what would it be?

The thing I'd have to say
to get into your pants?

It's a little messy.
How long you been working on it?
Just a couple of months, but I can
already tell I'm never gonna stop.

One day I'm happy. The breakfast nook
should be yellow, bright and sunny.

Next minute, I'm down.
I repaint it blue.

It was black a couple days ago.
A black breakfast nook?
Doesn't work. Trust me.
Why don't you take that arch thing
out altogether?

The whole thing?
I have a feeling that what's out there
is more interesting anyway.

What are these?
