What Planet Are You From?

Part of this whole changing thing
that I'm doing.

I'm supposed to turn myself over
to a higher power.

My only problem is,
I'm having trouble choosing one...

...so I'm just covering my ass.
Higher power?
God, or whatever you want to call it.
I'm looking into each one until
I find one that connects with me.

-How will you know?
-I'll just know.

Well, I'll feel something, I guess.
This one looks very old.
Actually, it's not old.
I got this on QVC.

You don't care about this.
You're just tricking me.

There's no way to prove
that a God exists.

-So then why look?

-That's not the point.
-Then what is the point?

Oh, God. I knew it.
I knew this normal guy,
normal life thing had a big catch.

Harold, please. Harold.
I have to stop.

No, I can't do this.
Part of this whole thing
about me changing my life...

...and living by a different set
of rules is--

You'll laugh, but I decided
I won't have sex until I'm married.

You see, I am finally free
not to have to have sex.

Do you have any water? Never mind.
I'll help myself.

Thanks for coming.
Have you gotten a woman pregnant yet?
I'm close, but there are variables
I'm not prepared for.

You're close?
Yes. But she wants to get married.
3 billion females, and you pick
one that wants to get married.

-That is bad luck.

-What should I do?
-Marry her.

I'm not trained for marriage.
Perry says it's hell.

-Who's Perry?
-This guy at work.

He didn't think Susan was hot.
Who's Susan? Why is she hot?
ls she on fire?

Susan is the woman.
