What Women Want

Completely irresistible
at first,

which feeds into
the whole ''man's man'' thing.

You know about
Nick's mother, right ?

Because once you understand
about Nick's mother,

you understand Nick.
[Woman] Nick was actually
born and raised in Las Vegas.

Nick's mother was a real,
honest-to-God Las Vegas showgirl.

When otherboys were outside
riding their bikes and playing ball,

Nick was backstage
hanging with the girls.

He was their mascot,
their little pet.

They couldn 't get enough
of those baby blues.

- Bang ! Bang !
- [ Laughs ]

lf you ask me, I'd say Nick's
mother just about killed it...

for every woman
Nick would ever meet.

She had a lot of sugardaddies
in her life,

but only one true love--
the boy
with the family jewels.

17, 18, 19, 20.
Let me see that, kid.

And since Nick
didn 't have a father,

his mom made sure he was always
surrounded by strong role models.

- Come here, huh ?
- [ Screams ]

- Men her boy could look up to.
- Now you're ready, huh ?

Keep countin', kid.
There was nothing normal about
the way Nick Marshall was raised.

So, what can you expect ?
You don't have to be Freud
to figure out...

this was one cockeyed way
to enter the world.
