What Women Want

here's what I heard.

Nike is shopping,

But if they make a change,
it's gonna happen fast.

Now, you know this is
a tough one for us to get.

It would be a tough one for anybody
to get, but if we got it--

- That's all we'd need.
- I hear you.

So, what do they want
exactly ?

They wanna empower women.
- What ?
- I'm sorry.

- That won't work.
- No, okay. I'm sorry.

- I understand. Go on.
- They wanna get in women's heads...

and reach them
on a very real level.

Don't take this wrong, but you got
jumpy talking about lipstick.

- I know.
- Nike is hard-core woman power.

You sure you wanna
go after this one ?

You get 'em here in two weeks,
I'll be ready.

[ Chuckles ]
This guy is kind of exciting.

Hey !
Glad I caught you both.

- You got a minute ?
- Sure.

I want you to look at these boards
for U.S. Air before they come by.

- Right.
- lt feels like something's missing.

Hmm. I don't like
the graphics.

Feels a bit parochial.
Maybe it should be
in black and white.

- What do you think, Nick ?
- I don't know who you've had,

but, I don't know,
it seems kind of--

What's the word ?
Parochial to me.

Um, what do you think,
Darcy ?

I totally agree,
especially about the graphics.

They're parochial.
It's so funny you just said that.

Yeah ?
Why don't you get them to
try it in black and white ?

Might punch it up
a little.

What ?
Did you say something ?

No. I just swear I was
thinking the exact same thing.

[ Weak Chuckle ]
Were you ?

Black and white could really help.
Good idea, Nick.

Good idea, Nick ?
Speak up. Quick.

- Say something before he leaves.
- Uh, Dan ?

Want me to look at the boards ? Once
they have a stab, give me a buzz.

- I will. Thanks, buddy.
- Dan ?

ln case they find Nick's idea
too retro, which they might--
