Where the Heart Is

but my dad died and my sister
couldn't be left alone here.

She begged me
never to send her away again.
Told me she'd kill herself if I did.

That was nine years ago.
So what are you thinking ?
Candlestick holders ?

Picture frame ?
Good God. Who would buy
somebody else's toupee ?

[ Laughs ]
Oh, my gosh. Look at this.

[ Blows ]
It just needs
a little cleanin' is all.

Hey, Moses, you want
to hear somethin' funny ?

I wouldn't mind.
Well, I was thinkin' that...
someday-- I mean, I mean
a long time from now--

I could, you know,
maybe be a photographer.

That's not funny.
- It's not ?
- You don't hear me laughin'.

[ Rock & Roll ]
[ Chattering ]
[''Jingle Bells''Playing
On Sound System ]

I never had
a Christmas tree before.

Not a live one.
You have one of those
aluminum ones ?

Those cost money.
No, when I was eight,
I was livin' with this--
this old lady.

She promised me
we'd have a Christmas tree.
