A Beautiful Mind

Det er på tide,
at du begynder at arbejde igen.

Bomben befinder sig nu her i USA.
Med tanke på din situation
burde du holde lav profil, "Muhammed"...

har vi bragt bjerget til dig.
Vi har indkredset bombens beliggenhed
til et sted på østkysten.

Men vi har ikke kunnet præcisere stedet.
Deres koder er blevet meget komplicerede.
Se her, John.
lt's a problem with no solution.
And that's what l do.
l solve problems.

lt isn't math.
You can't come up with a formula
that you can change the
way you experience the world.

All l have to do is plan my mind.
No theory, no proof.
There isn't a way out of this.

Why cannot?
Because your mind is the
problem in the first place.

l can do this.
l can work it out.
All l need is time.
ls that the baby?
Baby is still at my mother's, John.
Without treatment, John.
Pathetics may take over. Entirely.
