A Beautiful Mind

Starts at the corne.r.
48.30.1 .91 .26.35.
Prairie Portage, Minnesota.
These the latitude and longitude.
They're at least 1 0 of others.
They're plotting to across the
borders and come into U.S.

we need a move on this.

Who's that big brother?
You give your country a
great savor, son.

Yes, sir.
Accompany Dr Nash.
What about the
Russian's move, General?

Captain Roger will restore you
to a unrestricted area, Doctor.

Thank you.
Dr Nash, follow me please.
A moment in the Pentagon, huh?
They usually take the word
''classified'' out of the dictionary.

The air-condition broke again.
How am l going to safe
the world if l am melt?

You know, two trip to the
Pentagon in 4 years.

lt gets better, John.
Sign here since it is
relating to the assignment.

You know,
the Russian has the aged-bomb.

And NASA is repaying
South America.

Chinese has outstanding
army of 2.8 million.

l am doing stress test on a damn.
Hey, look. You make the
cover of the Fortune again.

Please do not use
the word ''you'', not ''we''.

That was supposed to be Just me.
