American Outlaws

-Can't argue.
-Do we even have the same mama?

Is anybody hearing me?
I got a little idea.

If I kill you, then Jim,
I'm gonna have no argument.

Pinkerton, it's been eight months.
I see holdups and I see robberies.

I don't see men on nooses.
The James gang's encounters
have been with local law.

They're no match for the gang.
-What about your detectives?
-Listen, you! Shut up.

I have to hunt this man.
I have to get inside this man's mind.
I have to anticipate him.
And that takes time.
Time, time, time.
Oh, I can't believe this.

Would you believe there are towns. . .
. . .where the James gang walks openly,
as heroes?

-Now, how can that be?
-Because they are charitable.

Give money to churches, to farmers.
They gave Maddox sharecroppers
enough money to build a school.

-That's my money!
-We should burn that school down.

That's the way to win them
back to our side.

Pinkerton, hundreds of men have died
to build this railroad.

But they did their jobs.
Now, this Jesse James,
that's your job.

Do your job.
Then you let me do my job. . .
. . .as I see fit, without interference.
-What can you tell me?
-It's going to be a long spring.

If people would hand it over and not
shoot, there'd be less killing.

-What's that?
-It's my lucky rabbit's foot.

-Took it off that dead fella.
-That one's not working.

