Bellini e a Esfinge

She's in Las Vegas.
It seems she really wanted
to get away from me.

Don't worry, captain.
This Las Vegas is right next door.

- Isn't it?
- Oh, yeah.

Wake up, doll.
But Las Vegas's closed tonight.
They'll just open tomorrow.
How about this sex kitten here?
We'll be right back.
- Hello?
- Nothing yet?

Everything's under control.
I'll meet Camila tonight.

What about the necklace?
Did you find out anything?

No, I've called the doctor
three times but had no answer.

Is the investigation
in ParanĂ¡ going well?

Very well. Beatriz has
already found Dinéia's home.

How's that?
She said she was a social worker.
Took some pictures of her.
All that in just one day?
I said she'd surprise you.
OK, Lobo.
By the end of the night
you'll have Camila's photos.
