Black Knight

...will rope in at 1546...
...and hold a four-corner perimeter
around the target building.

No one gets in or out.
Extraction Force:
Lt. Colonel McKnight's humvee column
will drive in at 1547...

...on Hawlwadig Road
and hold just short of the Olympic Hotel.

Wait for the green light.
Now once Delta gives the word...
...McKnight's column will go to the target
and load the prisoners onto trucks.

lmmediately after
the prisoners are loaded...

...the four Ranger chalks
will collapse back to the target building...

...load up on humvees...
...and the entire ground force
will exfil the 3 miles back to base.

Mission time, no longer than 30 minutes.
Now, l had requested light armor
and AC-130 Spectre gunships...

...but Washington, in all its wisdom,
decided against this.

Too high-profile.
So Black Hawks and Little Birds
will provide the air cover...

...with miniguns and 2.75 rockets.
Colonel Harrell.
ln the C-2 bird, Colonel Matthews
will coordinate the air mission...

...and l will coordinate ground forces.
Colonel Matthews.
Mission launch code word is lrene.
Which building is it, sir?
We're confirming that now.
Somewhere near the Bakara market.

l don't choose the time or place
of their meetings.

l didn't say a word, sir.
Make no mistake,
once you're in the Bakara market...

:23:39're in an entirely hostile district.
Don't underestimate their capabilities.
We'll be in friendly neighborhoods
before we hit the market...

:23:49 remember the rules of engagement:
No one fires unless fired upon.

Now, let's go get this thing done.
Good luck, gentlemen.
