Black Knight

...with miniguns and 2.75 rockets.
Colonel Harrell.
ln the C-2 bird, Colonel Matthews
will coordinate the air mission...

...and l will coordinate ground forces.
Colonel Matthews.
Mission launch code word is lrene.
Which building is it, sir?
We're confirming that now.
Somewhere near the Bakara market.

l don't choose the time or place
of their meetings.

l didn't say a word, sir.
Make no mistake,
once you're in the Bakara market...

:23:39're in an entirely hostile district.
Don't underestimate their capabilities.
We'll be in friendly neighborhoods
before we hit the market...

:23:49 remember the rules of engagement:
No one fires unless fired upon.

Now, let's go get this thing done.
Good luck, gentlemen.
What's the matter, Danny?
Something you don't like?

No Spectre gunships,
daylight instead of night...

...afternoon when they're all fucked up
on khat...

...only part of the city Aidid can mount
a counter-attack on short notice....

-What's not to like?
-Life's imperfect.

For you two, circling above it at 500 feet,
it's imperfect.

Down in the street, it's unforgiving.
