Black Knight

What's the matter, Danny?
Something you don't like?

No Spectre gunships,
daylight instead of night...

...afternoon when they're all fucked up
on khat...

...only part of the city Aidid can mount
a counter-attack on short notice....

-What's not to like?
-Life's imperfect.

For you two, circling above it at 500 feet,
it's imperfect.

Down in the street, it's unforgiving.
What the fuck, Smith?
-Well, what?

We going?
-Why should l tell you that?
-Because l'm me.

Yeah. 3:00. Downtown.
-Bakara market.
-All right.

Listen, Smith, l need you to back me up
out there today, all right?

Keep sharp.
Yes, sir, Sergeant Eversmann.
Ev, it's going to be nothing, man.
lt's all in the grind, Sizemore.
Can't be too fine, can't be too coarse.

This, my friend, is a science.
You're looking at the guy
that believed the commercials.

About ''be all you can be.''
l made coffee through Desert Storm.
l made coffee through Panama,
while everyone else got to fight...

:25:59 to be a Ranger.
