Daddy and Them

It's embarrassin'.
- You know he neighbors
talk about us, don' you?
- You fucked my sister!

You was 13 years old!
Did you want me
to get thrown in jail?

- I couldn't fuck you,
could I? Back then?
- [Telephone Ringing]

- It's on the washer. Where's my brush?
- [Ringing Continues]

You're shittin' me.
- Is J.C. Livin' here now?
- [Clears Throat]

Okay. All right.
We'll call you a 12:00. Bye.
- [Replaces Receiver]
- Who was it?

Honey, it was my daddy.
Uncle Hazel's been thrown in jail
for armed robbery.

- What?
- Yeah.

We're gonna have to go to Little Rock.
His bail's pretty high.

- Uncle Hazel?
- Yeah.

Well, what's he doin' committin'
a crime like armed robbery?

I don't know, honey.
[Claude] Can you slice
ha bologna a little thinner?

You know how Ruby is
about thin meat for sandwiches.

Well, it's pretty thin.
Hey, Dewey,
is bologna pretty lean?

- I think so.
- I mean, fat content-wise?

Oh, it's good, it's good.
What do you say we just
put it on ticket, Dewey?

[Clears Throat]
Well, now, Claude...

you-your bill's pretty darn high
right now as it is...

and you ain't paid so much as a nickel
on it as long as I can remember.
