Dieu est grand, je suis toute petite

Evelyne loves cats. So do l.
A free checkup?
- No problem. How many do you have?
- Three. ln fine health.

Vacation are problematic,
with 3 cats in the car.

l can look at them after lunch.
That's ok.
More wine?

Gladly, it's very good.
Thank you.
Mom, your medicine and wine
don't mix.

- l haven't had much.
- 3 glasses is too much.

You can still put 'em back!
- l was just teasing.
- lt's not funny.

Mom, come back here!
Ah, family life!
Come back inside.
l'm sorry, Mom.
You should be more patient with me.
lt's hard for me
to get up every morning.

l could just lie on the floor
and stay there.

l feel like l want to die.
Stop it!
You worry too much.

And the jerk inside who doesn't
get it, who couldn't careless.
What about him?

What do you want from him?
A little sympathy,
''l know things are tough, honey.''

But no! l say l hate shopping,
and it's ''l get nothing to eat.''
l swear!

Then get out.
Nothing's stopping you.

Nothing? That's easy to say
when you're 20.

What can l do?
l'm stuck.

l have no one. No one, no one!
- Leave him, get out.
- This isn't the right time. Enough.

Did your mother calm down?
You didn't have to ruin it all.
Me ruin it all?
