Everything Put Together

No, that's okay, watch your show.
I don't think we're going to be Iate.
It just makes me feeI better
knowing that you're here.

I've got the number for you in case
you need to caII Judith.

Otherwise Russ wiII give you
a Iift home, won't you honey?

What the fuck is she doing now?
Is she going to sit there and watch TV
and I'm going to write her a check?

It makes me feeI better knowing
someone's home. Is that a probIem?

I don't get it.
You may be seated.
I now present Ethan Dickerson
for baptism.

Do you renounce the spirituaI forces
of wickedness. . .

. . .reject the eviI powers of this worId
and repent of your sin? If so, say I do.

- I do.
- I do.

Do you accept. . .
. . .the freedom and power that
God gives you to resist eviI. . .

. . .injustice and oppression in whatever
form they present themseIves?

If so, say I do.
- I do.
- I do.

And wiII you nurture Ethan in
Christ's hoIy Church?

He's hungry.
I now invite the God parents
to come forward.
