Everything Put Together

You may be seated.
I now present Ethan Dickerson
for baptism.

Do you renounce the spirituaI forces
of wickedness. . .

. . .reject the eviI powers of this worId
and repent of your sin? If so, say I do.

- I do.
- I do.

Do you accept. . .
. . .the freedom and power that
God gives you to resist eviI. . .

. . .injustice and oppression in whatever
form they present themseIves?

If so, say I do.
- I do.
- I do.

And wiII you nurture Ethan in
Christ's hoIy Church?

He's hungry.
I now invite the God parents
to come forward.

Pour out your hoIy spirit to bIess
this gift of water. . .

. . .and he who receives it to
wash away his sin. . .

. . .and cIose him in righteousness
throughout his Iife. . .

. . .that dying and being raised with
Christ he may share in his finaI victory.

In the name of the Father. . .
. . .and of the Son. . .
. . .and of the HoIy Spirit. . .
- Hey, how's it going?
- How's it going?
