Fausto 5.0

I don't know him.
He's a patient.

My brother-in-law
went to a specialist and asked:

"Doctor, how long have
I get left to live?"

And you know what
the guy told him?

"That depends.
When will you pay my bill?"

Why must we wash?
Do butchers wash?
Who says they haven't jerked off
before cutting up a sirloin steak?

Although they're butchers...
they jerk off, don't they?
What do you say, Fausto?
"Sagittarius, Capricorn?"
"No, son, what I said was Cancer."
Cancer, cancer."
You don't need to be a butcher
to know if they jerk off.

She's Daisy, my assistant.
I've heard that before.
Me too, and I saw it.
The Frenchman, for example,
at the Provincial.

Before each operation.
- Really?
- I swear.

And if he operated 3 times,
3 times.

They call the doctor
"the gardener".

- You know why?
- No.

Because he works with plants.
Terminal cases.
When we don't know
what to do with someone...

we send them to him
to see what he invents.

You've all ordered mushrooms.
You don't understand him.
What he'd like is to see
all his patients alive.

Who wouldn't?
We should close the greenhouse.
