Fausto 5.0

I'll take care of it.
No problem.

someone there owes me a favor.

Fausto, how nice to see you.
How are you?

We were betting
on whether you'd come or not.

- Has Quiroga arrived?
- He should have this morning.

Hi, good evening.
Santos Vella. It's a pleasure.

My pleasure.
Vella, pronounced with one "l".
Like mozzarella.

You know the doctor?
Of course.
Me too.
He removed my stomach.

That was a long time ago.
Forget it, man.

You're here for the convention?
To talk about your
little tumors and things.

Thank you very much.
He's getting rid of me.
It's a pleasure.
Anything you need, call.
You want a girl?
- I don't understand.
- Man, what a joker!

I don't know him.
He's a patient.

My brother-in-law
went to a specialist and asked:

"Doctor, how long have
I get left to live?"

And you know what
the guy told him?

"That depends.
When will you pay my bill?"

Why must we wash?
Do butchers wash?
Who says they haven't jerked off
before cutting up a sirloin steak?

Although they're butchers...
they jerk off, don't they?
What do you say, Fausto?
"Sagittarius, Capricorn?"
