From Hell

He had to slice through
four layers of tissue...

...and up to an inch of subcutaneous fat.
After that...
...he entered the abdominal cavity, so he
would've used more than the Liston knife.

Perhaps he was carrying
a portable amputation kit similar to this.

What do you think?
Is it possible that the killer
is an educated man?

Perhaps someone who studied medicine,
but who is not a surgeon himself?

The intestines are simple enough,
but the uterus?

The liver, very hard to locate,
unless you know what you're doing.

And he was working quickly, in the dark.
I had held out hope that this...
:49:50 was a veterinarian or a furrier...
...or an especially well-educated butcher.
No, I must admit, if I were you...
...l'd look for someone with
a thorough knowledge of human anatomy.

Damn him.
[Dramatic instrumental music]
[Bell tolling]
[Children shouting]
Want me to suck it?
I can suck the Thames dry.
Don't be frightened, dearie.
QUEEN: How far advanced
is our grandson's malady?
