Happy Accidents

He's dead serious.
You shouId have seen the Iook in his eye.

You want me to get the ex-fiIes?
Have you got a mug shot yet?
Why must they aIways be drawn to me?
I'm sorry.
AII right, don't keep me
in suspense anymore.

Who's this DeIancey ho?
My contact!
What kind of contact?
Another back-traveIer who can orient you.
Chrystie DeIancey was my contact.

I wrote her name down
so I wouIdn't forget it.

I found her.
She fiIIed me in on current events.

Taught me how to fIag a cab, and gave me
my back-story, and then she Ieft.

-''Back-story''? What?
-FaIse documents. A driver's Iicense.

Birth certificate.
You know, so you can assimiIate.

That's good.
Are you ''assimiIating'' with her?

No! She's oId and...
...wrinkIed and--
Looks pretty hot in your drawings!
That's not Chrystie DeIancey...
-''It's you. ''

That's what he teIIs me.
The drawings are of me.

There's just a IittIe something
missing from your story.

That, and the part
where you waIk him to the door...

...and you open it and you say:
''Just get the fuck out of my apartment!
Get the heII out!''

I tried.
But then he starts into this story...
...about a certain photograph.
I found a photograph of you.
And that's what these drawings are.

Of that photograph.
-Where's this photograph?
-The future.

-You can't bring non-carbon...

...based, inanimate matter back with you.
