High Heels and Low Lifes

He's definiteIy not happy.
This way.
Mr Kerrigan is expecting you.

Why do I aIways have to
find out things for myseIf?

Wasn't worth bothering you with,

I Iike you, AIan,
that's why you're in charge.

But some joker
tries to hit me for a miIIion quid,

Iooks Iike there's been a baIIs-up.
TaIk to me.

Danny was probabIy mouthing off,
guy overheard him, don't worry.

I am worried!
I don't need this aggravation.

Look at the state of me,
I'm aII tense!

- I'm ageing prematureIy.
- Rubbish, Boss.

- Who is this toe rag?
- No one we know.

He's got a weird accent,
he sounds a bit Iike a...

I don't know what he sounds Iike.
Don't know who you're deaIing with
these days.

You got Turks, Russians, Kosovites...
AII muscIin' in.
I mean, who runs
CrickIewood now, JuIes?

- The Armenians.
- There you go. The Armenians.

I mean, where the heII
do they come from?

- Armenia, Boss.
- Good boy.

At Ieast someone
knows what's goin' on.

I toId you, I'II sort him.
Don't worry.

Do not teII me not to worry!
Who are they? Don't they know
who the fuck we are?!

Give me the toweI.
