I Am Sam

Thank you, Mr. Wali.
I bet
he's knocking on your door...

asking questions all the time.
Yes. All the time.
Let's see.
The last question...

was whether to use
Biz or clorox...

to get the grass stains
out of Lucy's soccer uniform.

Lucy will go through puberty.

How much insight or know-how...
will he bring to
those sensitive subjects...

of a young girl's development?
I can only imagine how much...
insight and sensitivity
you yourself would bring...

to that delicate area,
Mr. Turner...

or any father, for that matter.
And you've had plenty
of opportunity...

to observe fathers,
haven't you?

The fact that Ms. Cassell
hasn't left her room in...

I don't know
how many years...

must have some effect
on her perception.

I'll allow it.
Please answer the question.

I have had 28 years
in the real world...

I have been able to observe
all kinds of fathers.

What about your father?
Ms. Cassell...
since you seem to be
such an expert...

on father-daughter

I'm sorry, Ms. Cassell.
I need to hear your response.

What about your father?
What about your father?
Objection to that.
Excuse me, Mr. Dawson. Please.
-That's overruled.
