Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back

Ain`t that about a bitch?
So, are you going to abide
by the court`s ruling...

or are you going to go
``Bandit,`` Reynolds style?

JA Y: TheJudge said if we
go within a hundred feet...

of the stores,
we get thrown into County.

You know what they
make you do in County?

Toss the salad.
l guess if you guys
really wanted...

to hang out in front
of a convenience store...

you couldJust
buy your own now...

what with all that money
you guys made.

Hell, yeah, bitch.
Wait a sec. What money?
The money from the ``Bluntman
and Chronic`` movie.

Oh, my God. Don`t tell me
you have no idea...

there`s a movie being made...
of the comic you two
were the basis for.

What? Since when?
Here`s the pulse, all right?
And this is your finger--
far from the pulse,
jammed straight up your ass.

Say, would you like
a chocolate-covered pretzel?

You see, Kids,
if you read ``Wizard``...

you`d Know that it`s
the top story this month.

ChecK it out.
JA Y: When the fuck
did this happen?

BRODlE: Well, after ``X-Men``
hit at the box office...

all the studios
started buying up...

every comic property
they could get...

their dirty little hands on.
Miramax optioned
``Bluntman and Chronic.``

Miramax? l thought they only
made classy pictures...

liKe ``The Piano``
or ``The Crying Game.``

Yeah, well, once they made
``She`s All That``...

everything went to hell.
So you`re saying you haven`t
gotten a monetary cut...

of the movie?
Didn`t Holden McNeil
and Banky Edwards...

used to pay you liKeness
rights for the comic booK?

We haven`t seen a fucKing dime
for no movie.

Well, boys, l`m no lawyer,
but l thinK Holden and Banky...

owe you some of that
proverbial phat cash.

lfl was you guys,
l would find Holden McNeil...

and asK for my movie checK.
Shit, yeah.
We gots to get paid.

And on that note,
we cue the music.

-Mat mat mat

-Mat mat mat
-Lip la

-Mat mat mat

-Mat mat meal
-Ma ma ma, ma ma-ma ma

looK at these morose
motherfucKers right here.
